Revolutionizing clean energy with innovative, safe, scalable storage

Our Idea

Innovating the hydrogen economy by reinventing fuel cell architecture and chemistry.

Energy demand is surging, and current batteries are not sustainable. With a low lifecycle, most chemistries cannot keep up with new technology energy demands. Therefore, we have created a battery solution that can be recycled, has a lifespan of +15 years, and grows with your energy needs.

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Our Solution

Reinventing fuel cell architecture and chemistry.

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01. fueled with
hyperfine water mist

Clean.  Metal free.  Eco-friendly.  Water electrolyte.

02. safe storage material

HBAT hydrogen-based energy storage is non-gaseous, therefore completely safe

03. environmentally friendly catalysts

Non-toxic. Non-platinum group metals. 80% recyclable.

Bringing space technologies down to earth

“[...] nickel-hydrogen batteries have become the primary energy storage system used for geosynchrounous- orbit communication satellites."

NASA Handbook for Nickel-Hydrogen Batteries


Comparing HBAT to a common Lithium-Ion battery.



Innovative features providing the opportunity to succeed in several markets.


Adaptable to user needs

The HMS system built into every stack uses a state of the art Battery Managment system. Keeping track of the system usage profile and adapting the charge and discharge states to maintain the ideal efficiency.


Non toxic, fire retardant

No toxic chemicals, harmful metals, or flammable materials are used in manufacturing or recycling of our H-Bat system. We strive to maintain and develope a circular life-cycle for our products.


Modular architecture

Our H-Bat system is constructed using a modular approach. Designed to match the load profile. Allowing HBAT to load-match to your on-demand needs.



The materials within our battery do not degrade from electrochemical usage. Our system does not suffer from cell memory or dendrite growth.

HBAT will last a long time and grow with your needs.


Advisors and Collaborations

Have It Made


For questions or more information, connect with us via or our contact form.